Based on the best-selling children’s novel by Deborah Ellis, The Breadwinner tells the inspirational story of Parwana, a young girl living in Afghanistan. When her father is arrested by the Taliban, Parwana, her mother, sister and baby brother are left to fend for themselves, without their breadwinner. That is, until Parwana bravely decides to disguise herself as a young boy, in order to get food and care for her family.

The Breadwinner is directed by Nora Twomey (Cartoon Saloon), with screenplay by Anita Doron and Deborah Ellis.

We were delighted to produce the Irish-language dub An Saothraí, for Cartoon Saloon, directed by Jane Farley for Macalla and translated into Irish by Gabriel Rosenstock. The film was released in cinemas in both English and Irish in 2018.

An Saothraí

Buy the dual-language DVD now:

In The Media

‘Chorraigh scéal an chailín óg chróga mo chroí’ – Léirmheas le Eoin Ó Dubhghaill ar NÓS

‘Leagan Gaeilge de The Breadwinner, An Saothraí i bPictiúrlanna’ ó RTÉ

Éist: An Bricfeasta Blasta – Léirmheas ar An Saothraí (Raidió na Life)